Counseling and Therapy Services
Here is a small collection of counseling and therapy services to start the conversations. As Licensed Mental Health Counselors people often ask us “What are your specialties?”. For Dr. Ray, with a doctorate in ministry and a doctorate in counseling, his specialty is the integration of psychology and theology. The fact is that each of our therapists specialize in assessing and formulating treatment plans, to meet the needs of the individual client using the latest in proven modern techniques. This is client centered therapy at its best: never does one simple solution fit all problems, but developing a healthy relationship between counselor and client, and working together to close the gap between where the client has been, and where they want to be. As the therapeutic alliance grows and the client makes progress, the specialty is helping that person one session at a time.
A small list of counseling and therapy service topics:
Dr. Ray’s New Book
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Anxiety Quest
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