Reading Progress:

Counseling Supervisor

Dr. Ray Smith offers supervision for practicum students, interns and externship candidates for mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists and clinical psychologists. The Washington State requirements for supervisors are:

Approved Supervisor

(1) The approved supervisor must hold a license as defined per WAC 246-809-110. The license must be without restrictions and have been in good standing for the previous two years.

(2) The approved supervisor must not be a blood or legal relative or cohabitant of the licensure candidate, licensure candidate’s peer, or someone who has provided psychological services to the licensure candidate within the past two years.

(3) Before beginning supervision, the approved supervisor must provide the licensure candidate with a declaration stating that the supervisor has met the requirements of this section and qualifies as an approved supervisor. The declaration will be on a form provided by the department.

(4) The approved supervisor must have completed the following:

(a) A minimum of fifteen clock hours of training in clinical supervision obtained through:

(i) A supervision course; or
(ii) Continuing education credits on supervision; or
(iii) Supervision of supervision; or
(iv) Any combination of these; and

(b) Twenty-five hours of experience in supervision of clinical practice; or
(c) An American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) approved supervisor meets the qualifications of this subsection.

(5) The approved supervisor must attest to having thorough knowledge of the licensure candidate’s practice activities including:

(a) Practice setting;
(b) Recordkeeping, as outlined in WAC 246-809-035;
(c) Financial management;
(d) Ethics of clinical practice; and
(e) The licensure candidate’s backup plan for coverage in times when the licensure candidate is not available to their clients.

(6) Applicants whose supervised postgraduate experience began before September 30, 2006, are exempt from the requirements of subsection (4) of this section.

The form in (3) can be found at:
If you would like to discuss your supervision with Dr. Smith, please call 509.466.6632.


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